Kidney Stone Removal Surgery Specialist in Smithfield NC
Approximately 1 in 11 people in the United States have kidney stones. It is not only painful but can be life threatening if not treated on time. Our top urologist Adel W. Mohamed, MD, FACS performs kidney stone removal surgery at Mohamed & Associates Urology Center. Call our team of professionals today or visit us online to book your next appointment. We are conveniently located at 507 N Brightleaf Blvd #205, Smithfield, NC 27577.

Table of Contents:
What size of kidney stone requires surgery?
Are the removal of kidney stones a major surgery?
How long does it take for surgery to remove kidney stones?
How do urologists remove kidney stones?
Urine contains many minerals and salts. When there are high levels of these stones can form in the kidneys. Kidney stones may start off small and grow to a larger size. Some stones will remain in the kidney and cause no problems. Sometimes a kidney stone will travel down the ureter, the tube that connects the kidney and the bladder. If the stone makes it to the bladder, it can be passed out of the body. If it gets lodged in the ureter it can block the flow of urine and cause pain.
The factors that impact kidney stone passage can include the stone’s size and location. Larger stones are less likely to pass from the kidney on their own. Once the stone has reached a size 0.5 centimeters or larger, it will likely require surgery to remove it. If the stone is smaller and still isn’t being expelled, surgery may be required, as well.
The procedures that are currently used to remove kidney stones are minimally invasive and very effective. The most common methods for removing kidney stones include:
– Shock wave Lithotripsy
– Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
– Ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy
Surgery is not often done to remove kidney stones any longer. If the stone is large and won’t respond to other methods to get it to leave the kidney, surgery may be necessary. Surgery may also be necessary when:
– A kidney stone gets lodged in your ureter.
– You are in a lot of pain.
– The kidney stone is blocking the urine flow.
– You have an infection or are bleeding.
The surgery will require an anesthetic to make you unconscious. A cut will be made in your side for the surgeon to reach the kidney. The stone will be removed through that opening. You may need to remain in the hospital for a few days after the procedure. It can take up to 6 weeks to recover from this surgery.
So, this can be considered to be a major surgery.
The time required to remove kidney stones will depend on the procedure that is done. The surgical options include:
– Shock wave lithotripsy uses sound waves to break up the kidney stones. This allows them to pass more easily out of the body. This procedure is normally done under anesthesia and takes about an hour to do. This procedure is the least invasive option.
– Ureteroscopy uses an endoscope which is passed through the urinary tract to the bladder and ureter. The surgeon uses this to send in a camera to see, break up, or remove the kidney stone or stones. This procedure is also done under general anesthesia and takes about an hour and a half to complete. You can generally be home that night.
– Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is done with a small incision through your back and into the kidney. An endoscope is used to break and remove the kidney stone. It is usually the best way to remove larger kidney stones. This is also done under anesthetic and will require a recovery time of two or three days at the hospital or clinic.
There are three main approaches to getting rid of kidney stones. The first is to wait and see if it will pass on its own. Over-the-counter pain medications may be recommended to deal with the pain. The urologist may choose to prescribe a medication that will increase the flow of liquid or relax the ureter in order to get the stone to move. Finally, there are surgical options for removing kidney stones.
Mohamed & Associates Urology can help you if you have a kidney stone or stones. We are skilled at treating these to help you live a pain-free life. Call to make an appointment or use our online booking system. We serve patients from Smithfield NC, Selma NC, Clayton NC, Princeton NC, Whitley Heights NC, Four Oaks NC, Pine Level NC, Kenly NC and surrounding areas.